
Timing & Scoring Event Management




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1595MÁRIO FONSECAMSenior M.NAST - Núcleo Associativo de Santo Tirso08:19:29DetailsDegree
Bib - 595Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - NAST - Núcleo Associativo de Santo TirsoDetailsDegree
2508JOÃO RODRIGUESMVet. M40Amigos da Montanha08:40:10DetailsDegree
Bib - 508Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Amigos da MontanhaDetailsDegree
Bib - 518Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - CLUBE DESPORTIVO OS METRALHASDetailsDegree
4546RICARDO BOUCINHAMSenior M.Individual09:23:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 546Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
5596NELSON TEIXEIRAMSenior M.NAST - Núcleo Associativo de Santo Tirso09:23:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 596Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - NAST - Núcleo Associativo de Santo TirsoDetailsDegree
6610DIOGO CARVALHOMVet. M50TREPADORES09:39:32DetailsDegree
Bib - 610Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - TREPADORESDetailsDegree
7559FERNANDO GARCIAMVet. M40Individual09:41:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 559Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
8507CARLOS PEIXOTOMVet. M40Amigos da Montanha09:48:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 507Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Amigos da MontanhaDetailsDegree
9501NATERCIA SILVESTREFSenior F.ABCansado Trail10:12:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 501Gender - FCategory - Senior F.Team - ABCansado TrailDetailsDegree
10540MIGUEL MELOMSenior M.Individual10:12:06DetailsDegree
Bib - 540Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
11502MIGUEL NUNESMSenior M.ABCansado Trail10:13:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 502Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - ABCansado TrailDetailsDegree
12600NUNO MIGUELMVet. M40Núcleo de Montanha de Espinho10:26:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 600Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Núcleo de Montanha de EspinhoDetailsDegree
13606JOÃO MOTAMVet. M40Strendure running team10:35:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 606Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Strendure running teamDetailsDegree
14579ANTÓNIO PINTOMVet. M50Individual10:40:21DetailsDegree
Bib - 579Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
15603NUNO SILVAMVet. M40salgueiros running10:42:37DetailsDegree
Bib - 603Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - salgueiros runningDetailsDegree
16533JOÃO FERREIRAMSenior M.Porto de Mós a Correr10:52:00DetailsDegree
Bib - 533Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Porto de Mós a CorrerDetailsDegree
17557CÁSTOR SALGADOMVet. M40Individual10:58:52DetailsDegree
Bib - 557Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
18575ROBERTO COMESAÑAMVet. M40Individual10:59:57DetailsDegree
Bib - 575Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
19558FAUSTO PIMENTELMVet. M40Individual11:05:02DetailsDegree
Bib - 558Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
20514DANIEL COSTAMSenior M.clube atletismo fafe11:07:58DetailsDegree
Bib - 514Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - clube atletismo fafeDetailsDegree
21541MIGUEL SILVAMSenior M.Individual11:16:09DetailsDegree
Bib - 541Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
22556ARTUR FERREIRAMVet. M40Individual11:17:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 556Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
23569MARTIN RODRIGUEZMVet. M40Individual11:24:04DetailsDegree
Bib - 569Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
24565LUIS RODRIGUEZ-NUÑEZMVet. M40Individual11:28:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 565Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
25549TITO GRANDEMSenior M.Individual11:31:55DetailsDegree
Bib - 549Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
26564JOÃO PEREIRAMVet. M40Individual11:32:44DetailsDegree
Bib - 564Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
27529APRÍGIO CHAVESMSenior M.Individual11:33:29DetailsDegree
Bib - 529Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
28611FRANCISCO GARCÍAMSenior M.TRINORTH11:35:26DetailsDegree
Bib - 611Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - TRINORTHDetailsDegree
29555ANDRÉ PINHEIROMVet. M40Individual11:38:50DetailsDegree
Bib - 555Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
30570MOURA MOURAMVet. M40Individual11:48:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 570Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
31535LEON PEREIRAMSenior M.Individual11:48:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 535Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
32506MIGUEL OLIVEIRAMVet. M40Airão Trail Team11:53:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 506Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Airão Trail TeamDetailsDegree
33505ISAAC COSTAMVet. M40Addicted to trail11:55:07DetailsDegree
Bib - 505Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Addicted to trailDetailsDegree
34504BLANDINE CRAVEIROFVet F40Addicted to trail11:55:07DetailsDegree
Bib - 504Gender - FCategory - Vet F40Team - Addicted to trailDetailsDegree
35604PEDRO SÁMSenior M.SIM Summit Trail team11:56:08DetailsDegree
Bib - 604Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - SIM Summit Trail teamDetailsDegree
36551MONICA DASILVAFVet F40Individual12:06:30DetailsDegree
Bib - 551Gender - FCategory - Vet F40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
37563GONÇALO VALENTEMVet. M40Não Fazemos nem mais um... Km12:09:32DetailsDegree
Bib - 563Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Não Fazemos nem mais um... KmDetailsDegree
38584PAULO FERREIRAMVet. M50Individual12:17:19DetailsDegree
Bib - 584Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
Bib - 597Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - NO TOMORROW RUNNING TEAMDetailsDegree
40521PEDRO PEREIRAMSenior M.GAP12:27:24DetailsDegree
Bib - 521Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - GAPDetailsDegree
41594RICARDO VALENTEMVet. M50Não Fazemos nem mais um... Km12:29:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 594Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - Não Fazemos nem mais um... KmDetailsDegree
42503FÁBIO SILVAMSenior M.AC Batalha12:29:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 503Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - AC BatalhaDetailsDegree
43567MARCO FILIPEMVet. M40Individual12:29:12DetailsDegree
Bib - 567Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
44523JOÃO FREIREMVet. M50GDCTIN Casa da Moeda12:32:43DetailsDegree
Bib - 523Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - GDCTIN Casa da MoedaDetailsDegree
45522NUNO GONÇALVESMVet. M40GDCTIN Casa da Moeda12:32:43DetailsDegree
Bib - 522Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - GDCTIN Casa da MoedaDetailsDegree
46609GONÇALO MOTAMVet. M40TREPADORES12:33:52DetailsDegree
Bib - 609Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - TREPADORESDetailsDegree
47536LUIS BRAGAMSenior M.Individual12:37:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 536Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
48593MÁRIO ALBERTOMVet. M40Não Fazemos nem mais um... Km12:39:32DetailsDegree
Bib - 593Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Não Fazemos nem mais um... KmDetailsDegree
49510JOÃO MENDESMVet. M40ATR- Algarve Trail Running12:44:19DetailsDegree
Bib - 510Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - ATR- Algarve Trail RunningDetailsDegree
50588PASCOAL MELOMVet. M40MINHO AVENTURA12:53:47DetailsDegree
Bib - 588Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - MINHO AVENTURADetailsDegree