
Timing & Scoring Event Management

Grande Trail Serra D'Arga


Trail Curto 14K

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11238KUENY MIRANDAMSenior M.Emicela Team01:11:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 1238Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Emicela TeamDetailsDegree
22177EDMAR ANDRADEMSenior M.Emicela Team01:16:37DetailsDegree
Bib - 2177Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Emicela TeamDetailsDegree
34006RUBEN VELOSOMSenior M.Caav/trail01:18:02DetailsDegree
Bib - 4006Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Caav/trailDetailsDegree
43457BRUNO RODRIGUESMSenior M.Minho e Lima Trail01:19:22DetailsDegree
Bib - 3457Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree
53299FILIPE MENESESMSenior M.kER SPORT01:19:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 3299Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - kER SPORTDetailsDegree
63458FILIPE CORREIAMSenior M.Minho e Lima Trail01:20:46DetailsDegree
Bib - 3458Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree
73285ADRIANO MORAISMSenior M.Individual01:21:30DetailsDegree
Bib - 3285Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
82554RICARDO SÁMSenior M.Akuafit01:22:53DetailsDegree
Bib - 2554Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - AkuafitDetailsDegree
93006ADELINO AIRESMVet. M40Alexandra Carvalho Team01:23:04DetailsDegree
Bib - 3006Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Alexandra Carvalho TeamDetailsDegree
103153ABILIO ALMEIDAMVet. M40Dá-lhe Gás Running team01:23:35DetailsDegree
Bib - 3153Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Dá-lhe Gás Running teamDetailsDegree
114132ABÍLIO RIBEIROMVet. M40Sporting Clube Espinho01:25:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 4132Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Sporting Clube EspinhoDetailsDegree
Bib - 3473Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - OLIMPICO VIANENSE TRAILDetailsDegree
133048DANIEL PEREIRAMSenior M.AMIGO TRAIL RUN01:26:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 3048Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - AMIGO TRAIL RUNDetailsDegree
143196RUI AZEVEDOMSenior M.Fridão Sem Limites01:27:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 3196Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Fridão Sem LimitesDetailsDegree
153083ARLINDO FERREIRAMVet. M50Bits&Bikes/Trail Running01:28:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 3083Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - Bits&Bikes/Trail RunningDetailsDegree
163043BRUNO BARBOSAMSenior M.AMC TRAIL01:29:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 3043Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - AMC TRAILDetailsDegree
173142ADELINO PINTOMSenior M.Clube trilheiros e amigos01:29:17DetailsDegree
Bib - 3142Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Clube trilheiros e amigosDetailsDegree
183301IAGO VAZQUEZMSenior M.Individual01:29:32DetailsDegree
Bib - 3301Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
193445RICARDO SALGUEIROMSub23 M.Linces de Montemor01:30:24DetailsDegree
Bib - 3445Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - Linces de MontemorDetailsDegree
203045CESAR GONCALVESMVet. M40AMC TRAIL01:30:30DetailsDegree
Bib - 3045Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - AMC TRAILDetailsDegree
213566JOÃO RODRIGUESMVet. M50Vale dos Duros01:31:22DetailsDegree
Bib - 3566Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - Vale dos DurosDetailsDegree
223113CARLOS LOUREIROMVet. M40Caav/trail01:31:43DetailsDegree
Bib - 3113Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Caav/trailDetailsDegree
233314RAFAEL FERREIRAMSenior M.Individual01:32:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 3314Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
243459JORGE AMORIMMSenior M.Minho e Lima Trail01:33:33DetailsDegree
Bib - 3459Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree
253200BRUNO AZEVEDOMVet. M40Fridão Sem Limites01:34:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 3200Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Fridão Sem LimitesDetailsDegree
263203PAULO SOUSAMVet. M40Fridão Sem Limites01:34:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 3203Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Fridão Sem LimitesDetailsDegree
273460JOSÉ TRIGOMVet. M40Minho e Lima Trail01:34:58DetailsDegree
Bib - 3460Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree
283534NUNO SILVAMSenior M.The Newbies01:35:05DetailsDegree
Bib - 3534Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - The NewbiesDetailsDegree
293044GONÇALO FREITASMSub23 M.AMC TRAIL01:35:17DetailsDegree
Bib - 3044Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - AMC TRAILDetailsDegree
303066RAUL ALVESMSenior M.Associação Porto da Cruz Trail Team01:35:17DetailsDegree
Bib - 3066Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Associação Porto da Cruz Trail TeamDetailsDegree
313394JOSÉ PEIXOTOMVet. M40Individual01:35:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 3394Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
323437MIGUEL ALVESMSenior M.Leões de Tardariz Trail01:35:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 3437Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Leões de Tardariz TrailDetailsDegree
333323NUNO CARDOSOMSub23 M.Individual01:37:29DetailsDegree
Bib - 3323Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
343440DARIO CARDOSOMVet. M40Leões de Tardariz Trail01:37:34DetailsDegree
Bib - 3440Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Leões de Tardariz TrailDetailsDegree
353112PAULA COSTAFSenior F.Caav/trail01:37:58DetailsDegree
Bib - 3112Gender - FCategory - Senior F.Team - Caav/trailDetailsDegree
363008ALVARO VALEMSenior M.ADE Trail Running01:38:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 3008Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - ADE Trail RunningDetailsDegree
373291CARLOS TAVEIRAMSenior M.Individual01:38:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 3291Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
383385JOAO SILVAMVet. M40Individual01:39:28DetailsDegree
Bib - 3385Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
393202MANUEL TEIXEIRAMVet. M40Fridão Sem Limites01:39:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 3202Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Fridão Sem LimitesDetailsDegree
403573JOSÉ LOPESMSenior M.VIDAATIVARUNNERS 01:40:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 3573Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - VIDAATIVARUNNERS DetailsDegree
Bib - 3049Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - AMIGO TRAIL RUNDetailsDegree
423416MANUEL CARAMALHOMVet. M50Individual01:41:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 3416Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
433387JOÃO BARBOSAMVet. M40Individual01:41:50DetailsDegree
Bib - 3387Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
443531CARLOS SILVAMSenior M.The Newbies01:43:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 3531Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - The NewbiesDetailsDegree
453103TONY MENDESMVet. M40BTT Alegria // TUBANI01:43:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 3103Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - BTT Alegria // TUBANIDetailsDegree
463111DIANA COSTAFSenior F.Caav/trail01:44:00DetailsDegree
Bib - 3111Gender - FCategory - Senior F.Team - Caav/trailDetailsDegree
473305MARCO VELUDOMSenior M.Individual01:44:05DetailsDegree
Bib - 3305Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
483208JORGE BELIAGOMSub23 M.Gansos trail01:44:47DetailsDegree
Bib - 3208Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - Gansos trailDetailsDegree
493434RICARDO CRUZMSub23 M.kER SPORT01:44:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 3434Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - kER SPORTDetailsDegree
503513ARMANDO MOREIRAMVet. M40Ribeiras Trail01:45:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 3513Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Ribeiras TrailDetailsDegree