
Timing & Scoring Event Management

Maratona BTT 5 Cumes


Ebike 45KM

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12002RICARDO DIASMElite M.Team Dias Aluminios01:30:35DetailsDegree
Bib - 2002Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Team Dias AluminiosDetailsDegree
22009PAULO SILVAMElite M.TOCAndar/FORTUNNA01:32:00DetailsDegree
Bib - 2009Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - TOCAndar/FORTUNNADetailsDegree
32001MANUEL DANTASMElite M.Tainadas&pedaladas01:35:04DetailsDegree
Bib - 2001Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Tainadas&pedaladasDetailsDegree
42137ANTÓNIO MATOSMElite M.TOCAndar/FORTUNNA01:36:32DetailsDegree
Bib - 2137Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - TOCAndar/FORTUNNADetailsDegree
52058SÔNIA ARAUJOFElite F.FORTUNNA/ TOCANDAR01:36:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 2058Gender - FCategory - Elite F.Team - FORTUNNA/ TOCANDARDetailsDegree
62148ANDRÉ SILVAMElite M.Individual01:42:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 2148Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
72005JORGE PEREIRAMElite M.Team Nucaminho01:46:57DetailsDegree
Bib - 2005Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Team NucaminhoDetailsDegree
82162VITOR COSTAMElite M.Individual01:53:25DetailsDegree
Bib - 2162Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
92061FILIPE MENESESMElite M.Individual01:53:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 2061Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
102159ARMANDO SILVAMElite M.Individual01:53:54DetailsDegree
Bib - 2159Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
112003PAULO GONÇALVESMElite M.Individual01:56:13DetailsDegree
Bib - 2003Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
122151FILIPE CANEDOMElite M.Individual02:03:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 2151Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
132071GIL AFONSOMElite M.PITOSGA - ACVAncora02:03:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 2071Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - PITOSGA - ACVAncoraDetailsDegree
142160LUIS PINTOMElite M.Individual02:06:55DetailsDegree
Bib - 2160Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
152038DANIEL OLIVEIRAMElite M.Individual02:08:38DetailsDegree
Bib - 2038Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
162161LUIS GOMESMElite M.TOCANDAR - FORTUNA02:12:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 2161Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - TOCANDAR - FORTUNADetailsDegree
172094JOAO CRUZMElite M.Garagem Paciência Bike Team02:12:08DetailsDegree
Bib - 2094Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Garagem Paciência Bike TeamDetailsDegree
182095CARLA NUNESFElite F.Garagem Paciência Bike Team02:12:08DetailsDegree
Bib - 2095Gender - FCategory - Elite F.Team - Garagem Paciência Bike TeamDetailsDegree
192140PEDRO PEIXOTOMElite M.Individual02:12:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 2140Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
202101MIGUEL GARRIDOMElite M.Individual02:12:53DetailsDegree
Bib - 2101Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
212054NUNO MACHADOMElite M.Individual02:13:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 2054Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
222108MARCOS BOUZONMElite M.Independiente02:14:33DetailsDegree
Bib - 2108Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndependienteDetailsDegree
232016ÉLIO COUTINHOMElite M.Individual02:14:38DetailsDegree
Bib - 2016Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
242143RICARDO SOARESMElite M.BTT Três zés & amigos02:15:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 2143Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - BTT Três zés & amigosDetailsDegree
252174JORGE MEDEIROSMElite M.Individual02:16:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 2174Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
262013FILIPE ALEXANDREMElite M.Kmilhas02:17:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 2013Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - KmilhasDetailsDegree
272044PAULO CARVALHAISMElite M.Individual02:17:16DetailsDegree
Bib - 2044Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
282008MARIA CASTROFElite F.TOCAndar/FORTUNNA02:17:48DetailsDegree
Bib - 2008Gender - FCategory - Elite F.Team - TOCAndar/FORTUNNADetailsDegree
292050NELSON SANTOSMElite M.Individual02:18:07DetailsDegree
Bib - 2050Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
302051JOSÉ MOUTINHOMElite M.Individual02:18:08DetailsDegree
Bib - 2051Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
312173JOAQUIM MONTEIROMElite M.Individual02:18:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 2173Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
322158PEDRO PEIXOTOMElite M.PPskills02:20:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 2158Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - PPskillsDetailsDegree
332113WILSON MIGUEISMElite M.Individual02:20:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 2113Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
342004CELSO SILVAMElite M.Individual02:22:22DetailsDegree
Bib - 2004Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
352130JOAQUIM MOREIRAMElite M.Individual02:23:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 2130Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
362112JOSÉ MENDESMElite M.Individual02:23:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 2112Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
372116ALEXANDRE SILVAMElite M.Individual02:23:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 2116Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
382006JORGE CAMPOSMElite M.MTB and Company Team / CAB02:24:09DetailsDegree
Bib - 2006Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - MTB and Company Team / CABDetailsDegree
392154MANUEL FERNANDESMElite M.Individual02:25:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 2154Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
402110HERNANI MAIAMElite M.Individual02:25:54DetailsDegree
Bib - 2110Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
412114SIDÓNIO SILVAMElite M.Individual02:27:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 2114Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
422109ARMINDO SOUSAMElite M.Individual02:27:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 2109Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
432115CARLOS ALVESMElite M.Individual02:29:13DetailsDegree
Bib - 2115Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
442149JOSE SILVAMElite M.Individual02:31:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 2149Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
452129JOSÉ VIEIRAMElite M.Individual02:31:57DetailsDegree
Bib - 2129Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
462083NUNO SOUSAMElite M.BTT Três zés & amigos02:33:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 2083Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - BTT Três zés & amigosDetailsDegree
472127JOÃO FERRAZMElite M.e-Bicicleteiros02:33:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 2127Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - e-BicicleteirosDetailsDegree
482104MANUEL MOREIRAMElite M.Individual02:33:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 2104Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
492117HUGO LOMBAMElite M.Individual02:34:49DetailsDegree
Bib - 2117Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
502121MARIO ANTUNESMElite M.Dar ao Ped@l02:35:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 2121Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Dar ao Ped@lDetailsDegree