
Timing & Scoring Event Management

BTT Trilho dos Moinhos


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11DAVID VAZMMasterBKtm Bike Portugal01:42:12DetailsDegree
Bib - 1Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - Ktm Bike PortugalDetailsDegree
22FILIPE RAMOSMMasterAGuilhabreu mtb team01:42:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 2Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Guilhabreu mtb teamDetailsDegree
3434NELSON SOUSAMMasterATeam Bike Brothers01:45:51DetailsDegree
Bib - 434Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Team Bike BrothersDetailsDegree
Bib - 3Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - SAERTEX PORTUGAL | EDAETECHDetailsDegree
Bib - 120Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - FORTUNNA/ TOCANDARDetailsDegree
6896TIAGO MAIAMMasterAWinsig / S.C.Espinho01:46:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 896Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Winsig / S.C.EspinhoDetailsDegree
Bib - 520Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - OSTEOMASSAGEM DE LAUNDOSDetailsDegree
866FERNANDO MARTINSMMasterBFCFamalicão BTT01:47:12DetailsDegree
Bib - 66Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - FCFamalicão BTTDetailsDegree
9187LUÍS COSTAMElite M.Team Dias Alumínios01:47:13DetailsDegree
Bib - 187Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Team Dias AlumíniosDetailsDegree
10227ADRIANO PEREIRAMMasterBTeam Dias Alumínios01:47:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 227Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - Team Dias AlumíniosDetailsDegree
1161TIAGO BOUCINHAMMasterATeam Dias Alumínios01:47:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 61Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Team Dias AlumíniosDetailsDegree
12202MARCO CORREIAMMasterABOLFLEX BTTEAM01:47:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 202Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - BOLFLEX BTTEAMDetailsDegree
13232CLAUDIO MARTINSMMasterBIndividual01:48:55DetailsDegree
Bib - 232Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
14116NUNO FERREIRAMMasterBIndividual01:48:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 116Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
15100MARCO SILVAMElite M.Cansados Team | Póvoa de Varzim01:49:03DetailsDegree
Bib - 100Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Cansados Team | Póvoa de VarzimDetailsDegree
16185HELDER FARIAMMasterAIndividual01:49:04DetailsDegree
Bib - 185Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
17613CARLOS BARBOSAMMasterAPateira do Carregal sports team01:49:17DetailsDegree
Bib - 613Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Pateira do Carregal sports teamDetailsDegree
18182HELDER COSTAMMasterBMouquim01:49:44DetailsDegree
Bib - 182Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - MouquimDetailsDegree
19198JOÃO SILVAMMasterAIndividual01:50:33DetailsDegree
Bib - 198Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
20115ANDRÉ FONSECAMMasterARoda Regadas01:52:09DetailsDegree
Bib - 115Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Roda RegadasDetailsDegree
21509CARLOS COSTAMMasterB4490 Cycling Team01:52:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 509Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - 4490 Cycling TeamDetailsDegree
2264RICARDO CAMPOSMMasterAMTB and Company Team / CAB01:52:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 64Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - MTB and Company Team / CABDetailsDegree
23161IVO SILVAMMasterATeam Dias Aluminios01:52:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 161Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Team Dias AluminiosDetailsDegree
24153MARCELINO MUTENHAMMasterCCarvic/casadosoculos/Figueirasbtt01:52:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 153Gender - MCategory - MasterCTeam - Carvic/casadosoculos/FigueirasbttDetailsDegree
Bib - 619Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - SAERTEX PORTUGAL / EDAETECHDetailsDegree
26470DIOGO FERNANDESMMasterAIndividual01:53:07DetailsDegree
Bib - 470Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
27380CARLOS SANTOSMElite M.Vítor bikes01:53:24DetailsDegree
Bib - 380Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Vítor bikesDetailsDegree
2865MIGUEL SOUSAMMasterAMouquim Bike Team01:53:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 65Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Mouquim Bike TeamDetailsDegree
29191JOSÉ RIBEIROMMasterBTocandar01:53:58DetailsDegree
Bib - 191Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - TocandarDetailsDegree
30743JOSÉ DANTASMMasterACCR/WUDA01:55:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 743Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - CCR/WUDADetailsDegree
3156ANTONIO ARAÚJOMMasterAAses Negros01:55:55DetailsDegree
Bib - 56Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Ases NegrosDetailsDegree
32203CRISTIANO MOREIRAMMasterAIndividual01:55:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 203Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
33234MANUEL COSTAMMasterCSPAC01:56:30DetailsDegree
Bib - 234Gender - MCategory - MasterCTeam - SPACDetailsDegree
34563JOAQUIM VIEIRAMMasterADescola01:56:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 563Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - DescolaDetailsDegree
35500PEDRO CRUZMMasterBA.R.PARADELA01:56:35DetailsDegree
Bib - 500Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - A.R.PARADELADetailsDegree
36119BRUNO SANTOSMMasterBBTT BEIRIZ01:56:43DetailsDegree
Bib - 119Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - BTT BEIRIZDetailsDegree
37121ROBERTO NEVESMMasterBGrupo CCR Ap Motors Lobos Averomar Cycling Team01:56:48DetailsDegree
Bib - 121Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - Grupo CCR Ap Motors Lobos Averomar Cycling TeamDetailsDegree
3858EUSÉBIO GONÇALVESMMasterAIndividual01:56:49DetailsDegree
Bib - 58Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
39135JOSÉ COSTAMMasterBBTT BEIRIZ01:57:20DetailsDegree
Bib - 135Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - BTT BEIRIZDetailsDegree
40215DINIS PONTESMElite M.Ccr apmotors lobos de averomar01:57:22DetailsDegree
Bib - 215Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - Ccr apmotors lobos de averomarDetailsDegree
41331CARLOS FERNANDESMMasterAEstela Bike Time01:57:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 331Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Estela Bike TimeDetailsDegree
42205VASCO SILVAMMasterBIndividual01:58:02DetailsDegree
Bib - 205Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
43424SÉRGIO MIRANDAMMasterAIndividual01:58:46DetailsDegree
Bib - 424Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
44112MARCO ARAÚJOMElite M.Individual01:58:46DetailsDegree
Bib - 112Gender - MCategory - Elite M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree
4567TIAGO FERREIRAMMasterBFCFamalicão BTT01:58:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 67Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - FCFamalicão BTTDetailsDegree
4690ALEXANDRE VIGARIOMMasterCAssociação para a Defesa dos Animais e Ambiente de Vila Verde01:58:59DetailsDegree
Bib - 90Gender - MCategory - MasterCTeam - Associação para a Defesa dos Animais e Ambiente de Vila VerdeDetailsDegree
47138JOSÉ JÁCOMEMMasterBBtt Margens Do Cavado01:59:00DetailsDegree
Bib - 138Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - Btt Margens Do CavadoDetailsDegree
48394VÍTOR COUTOMMasterBIndividual01:59:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 394Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - IndividualDetailsDegree
49748HUGO PIRESMMasterBPITOSGA -ACVÂNCORA01:59:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 748Gender - MCategory - MasterBTeam - PITOSGA -ACVÂNCORADetailsDegree
50612TIAGO PINTOMMasterAPateira do carregal01:59:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 612Gender - MCategory - MasterATeam - Pateira do carregalDetailsDegree