Grande Trail Serra D'Arga



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12103RUI ALMEIDAMSub23 M.Emicela Team01:14:03DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 2103Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - Emicela TeamDetailsDegree Photo
23144ANTONIO CARDOSOMSub23 M.Emicela Team01:14:08DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3144Gender - MCategory - Sub23 M.Team - Emicela TeamDetailsDegree Photo
33039JOÃO FERREIRAMSenior M.AIRORUN01:15:03DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3039Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - AIRORUNDetailsDegree Photo
43278NELSON LOUREIROMSenior M.Individual01:18:50DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3278Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo
53143OSVALDO TAVARESMSenior M.Emicela Team01:22:36DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3143Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Emicela TeamDetailsDegree Photo
63519PEDRO PONTESMSenior M.SERI Trail Team01:24:06DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3519Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - SERI Trail TeamDetailsDegree Photo
73373JOSÉ MIRANDAMVet. M40Individual01:24:11DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3373Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo
83385MIGUEL SILVAMVet. M40Individual01:25:49DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3385Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo
93448DIOGO SILVAMSenior M.Minho e Lima Trail01:26:30DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3448Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree Photo
103371JOAO AFONSOMVet. M40Academia Desportiva de Arcos de Valdevez01:26:51DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3371Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Academia Desportiva de Arcos de ValdevezDetailsDegree Photo
113451LUIS MAGALHÃESMVet. M45Minho e Lima Trail01:26:56DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3451Gender - MCategory - Vet. M45Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree Photo
123020LUÍS SILVAMVet. M45ACRA running01:27:00DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3020Gender - MCategory - Vet. M45Team - ACRA runningDetailsDegree Photo
133584ÁNGEL PÉREZMSenior M.Club Cornelios Montaña01:27:05DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3584Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Club Cornelios MontañaDetailsDegree Photo
143447BRUNO RODRIGUESMSenior M.Minho e Lima Trail01:27:05DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3447Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Minho e Lima TrailDetailsDegree Photo
Bib - 3538Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - OLÍMPICO VIANENSE TRAILDetailsDegree Photo
163581RICARDO ESTEVESMSenior M.Academia Desportiva de Arcos de Valdevez01:29:54DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3581Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Academia Desportiva de Arcos de ValdevezDetailsDegree Photo
173464CARLOS ALVESMSenior M.OADA - Os Amigos da Aventura01:29:55DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3464Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - OADA - Os Amigos da AventuraDetailsDegree Photo
183172PEDRO OLIVEIRAMSenior M.FisioPedro Trail01:31:41DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3172Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - FisioPedro TrailDetailsDegree Photo
193589FILIPE MENESESMSenior M.Individual01:31:44DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3589Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo
203112NUNO FIGUEIREDOMSenior M.DIVE - Into The Mountains01:32:56DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3112Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - DIVE - Into The MountainsDetailsDegree Photo
213075FILIPE PINTOMSenior M.BTT Alegria // TUBANI01:33:07DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3075Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - BTT Alegria // TUBANIDetailsDegree Photo
223173SÉRGIO SAMPAIOMVet. M40FisioPedro Trail01:34:24DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3173Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - FisioPedro TrailDetailsDegree Photo
233050PEIXINHO PEIXINHOMVet. M40Alexandra Carvalho Team01:35:03DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3050Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Alexandra Carvalho TeamDetailsDegree Photo
243048ADELINO AIRESMVet. M45Alexandra Carvalho Team01:35:03DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3048Gender - MCategory - Vet. M45Team - Alexandra Carvalho TeamDetailsDegree Photo
253095FRANCLIM RODRIGUÊSMVet. M40Cerveira Team Running01:35:54DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3095Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Cerveira Team RunningDetailsDegree Photo
263106FERNANDO SANTOSMSenior M.CMM-Escaravelhos01:36:08DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3106Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - CMM-EscaravelhosDetailsDegree Photo
273255HÉLDER FRANCOMSenior M.LETHES TRAILTEAM01:36:42DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3255Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - LETHES TRAILTEAMDetailsDegree Photo
Bib - 3475Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - OLÍMPICO VIANENSE TRAILDetailsDegree Photo
293054ARTUR ROCHAMVet. M45AMC TRAIL01:36:58DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3054Gender - MCategory - Vet. M45Team - AMC TRAILDetailsDegree Photo
303378LUIS FREITASMVet. M40airórun01:37:38DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3378Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - airórunDetailsDegree Photo
313055CÉSAR GONÇALVESMVet. M40AMC TRAIL01:38:01DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3055Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - AMC TRAILDetailsDegree Photo
323554PAULO OLIVEIRAMSenior M.VIDAATIVARUNNERS 01:38:35DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3554Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - VIDAATIVARUNNERS DetailsDegree Photo
333013MANUEL GOMESMVet. M40Academia Desportiva de Arcos de Valdevez01:38:41DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3013Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Academia Desportiva de Arcos de ValdevezDetailsDegree Photo
343131HILÁRIO LOPESMSenior M.EDL Trail01:39:38DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3131Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - EDL TrailDetailsDegree Photo
353463ANTÓNIO RIBEIROMSenior M.OADA - Os Amigos da Aventura01:39:52DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3463Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - OADA - Os Amigos da AventuraDetailsDegree Photo
363134NUNO MORAISMVet. M40EDL Trail01:39:52DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3134Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - EDL TrailDetailsDegree Photo
373452ALEX TONDELAMVet. M40Montanha Clube Trail Running/Efapel01:40:11DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3452Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - Montanha Clube Trail Running/EfapelDetailsDegree Photo
383132PEDRO PIMENTAMSenior M.EDL Trail01:40:18DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3132Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - EDL TrailDetailsDegree Photo
393140EDENA LIMAFSenior F.Emicela Team01:40:35DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3140Gender - FCategory - Senior F.Team - Emicela TeamDetailsDegree Photo
403073JOÃO PONTEDEIRAMSenior M.Breia Team Running01:40:39DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3073Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - Breia Team RunningDetailsDegree Photo
412300HENRIQUE COSTAMSenior M.EDL Trail01:41:11DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 2300Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - EDL TrailDetailsDegree Photo
423194ANABELA FERNANDESFSenior F.Individual01:41:45DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3194Gender - FCategory - Senior F.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo
433027JOÃO CAMACHOMJunior M.ADGalomar/Tfalcon01:41:48DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3027Gender - MCategory - Junior M.Team - ADGalomar/TfalconDetailsDegree Photo
Bib - 3472Gender - MCategory - Vet. M40Team - OLÍMPICO VIANENSE TRAILDetailsDegree Photo
453168FILIPE OLIVEIRAMSenior M.FisioPedro Trail01:42:56DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3168Gender - MCategory - Senior M.Team - FisioPedro TrailDetailsDegree Photo
Bib - 3474Gender - MCategory - Vet. M55Team - OLÍMPICO VIANENSE TRAILDetailsDegree Photo
473407FERNANDO AREZESMVet. M50Individual01:43:22DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3407Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo
483043JOSÉ PEREIRAMVet. M50AIRORUN01:43:55DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3043Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - AIRORUNDetailsDegree Photo
493122CLÁUDIO MONTEIROMVet. M50Douroconta - Gabinete de Apoio e Contabilidade, Lda01:44:06DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3122Gender - MCategory - Vet. M50Team - Douroconta - Gabinete de Apoio e Contabilidade, LdaDetailsDegree Photo
503189TIAGO PEREIRAMJunior M.Individual01:44:34DetailsDegreePhoto
Bib - 3189Gender - MCategory - Junior M.Team - IndividualDetailsDegree Photo