
Duplas Mistas

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1185J. ALMEIDA | L. CAMILO J. ALMEIDA | L. CAMILOMAG30-39MCoco e Petas00:41:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 185Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Coco e PetasDetailsDegree
2132D. QUEIROZ | T. CRUZ D. QUEIROZ | T. CRUZMAG30-39MArmy Performance Mix00:42:58DetailsDegree
Bib - 132Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Army Performance MixDetailsDegree
3354D. MAIA | D. COUTO D. MAIA | D. COUTOMAG30-39MTeam DD00:43:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 354Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Team DDDetailsDegree
4359D. SIMÕES | J. SILVA D. SIMÕES | J. SILVAMAG30-39MTeam Phive better together 100:43:34DetailsDegree
Bib - 359Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Team Phive better together 1DetailsDegree
5349R. PARREIRA | I. NUNES R. PARREIRA | I. NUNESMAG16-29MTá tudo bem?00:44:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 349Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Tá tudo bem?DetailsDegree
6370T. COSTA | F. SANTOS T. COSTA | F. SANTOSMAG16-29MTopo Mixed00:45:45DetailsDegree
Bib - 370Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Topo MixedDetailsDegree
7293I. PAIS | I. GONÇALVES I. PAIS | I. GONÇALVESMAG16-29MNão dói Joca!00:46:29DetailsDegree
Bib - 293Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Não dói Joca!DetailsDegree
8186T. LUIS | M. GOMES T. LUIS | M. GOMESMAG30-39MCocomelon team00:47:05DetailsDegree
Bib - 186Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Cocomelon teamDetailsDegree
9122L. PINHO | I. CUSTODIO L. PINHO | I. CUSTODIOMAG30-39MAlphaden Wolves00:48:46DetailsDegree
Bib - 122Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Alphaden WolvesDetailsDegree
10211S. DIAS | M. SILVA S. DIAS | M. SILVAMAG40-49MÉ só o começo00:49:26DetailsDegree
Bib - 211Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - É só o começoDetailsDegree
11385C. CANTANTE | D. PLIM C. CANTANTE | D. PLIMMAG30-39MUnbroken Murph00:49:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 385Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Unbroken MurphDetailsDegree
Bib - 117Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - ACTIB TEAMDetailsDegree
13217A. FERNANDES | C. REIS A. FERNANDES | C. REISMAG30-39MEstou só a ver00:50:40DetailsDegree
Bib - 217Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Estou só a verDetailsDegree
14278M. SAMPAIO | P. MAIA M. SAMPAIO | P. MAIAMAG16-29MM&M00:50:48DetailsDegree
Bib - 278Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - M&MDetailsDegree
15332I. MORIM | F. VENTURA I. MORIM | F. VENTURAMAG40-49MRaça poveira 100:50:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 332Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - Raça poveira 1DetailsDegree
16276S. PINTO | P. CASTRO S. PINTO | P. CASTROMAG40-49MLos espeluncados00:51:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 276Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - Los espeluncadosDetailsDegree
17310R. ROCHA | J. NARCISO R. ROCHA | J. NARCISOMAG30-39MOs Pinguins00:51:30DetailsDegree
Bib - 310Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Os PinguinsDetailsDegree
18353A. FERREIRA | D. MARQUES A. FERREIRA | D. MARQUESMAG16-29MTeam Coach - Andreia e Diogo00:51:58DetailsDegree
Bib - 353Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Team Coach - Andreia e DiogoDetailsDegree
19246R. MACHADO | V. FERNANDES R. MACHADO | V. FERNANDESMAG30-39MHDmix00:52:00DetailsDegree
Bib - 246Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - HDmixDetailsDegree
20230N. VIEIRA | F. NEVES N. VIEIRA | F. NEVESMAG30-39MGladiators00:52:02DetailsDegree
Bib - 230Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - GladiatorsDetailsDegree
21348J. CARDOSO | R. RAMOS J. CARDOSO | R. RAMOSMAG30-39MSushi & Sangria00:52:04DetailsDegree
Bib - 348Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Sushi & SangriaDetailsDegree
22338I. DIAS | N. ALMEIDA I. DIAS | N. ALMEIDAMAG40-49MRx´s no descanso00:52:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 338Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - Rx´s no descansoDetailsDegree
23291J. ALLER | L. ALLER J. ALLER | L. ALLERMAG30-39MMovidiños Team00:52:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 291Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Movidiños TeamDetailsDegree
24231S. BASÍLIO | D. SILVA S. BASÍLIO | D. SILVAMAG30-39MGluten Free00:52:52DetailsDegree
Bib - 231Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Gluten FreeDetailsDegree
25253J. MOREIRA | J. VENTURA J. MOREIRA | J. VENTURAMAG30-39MIndústria 101 -Mix00:52:55DetailsDegree
Bib - 253Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Indústria 101 -MixDetailsDegree
26145M. BAPTISTA | E. LARANJEIRA M. BAPTISTA | E. LARANJEIRAMAG30-39MBad sleepers00:53:11DetailsDegree
Bib - 145Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Bad sleepersDetailsDegree
27107G. CANEDO | P. FÉLIX G. CANEDO | P. FÉLIXMAG50-59M100LIMITES00:53:16DetailsDegree
Bib - 107Gender - MCategory - AG50-59MTeam - 100LIMITESDetailsDegree
28334S. OLIVEIRA | J. FERREIRA S. OLIVEIRA | J. FERREIRAMAG16-29MRookies00:53:17DetailsDegree
Bib - 334Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - RookiesDetailsDegree
29212R. CUNHA | F. RIBEIRO R. CUNHA | F. RIBEIROMAG16-29MEgo Races00:53:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 212Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Ego RacesDetailsDegree
30174F. SANTOS | B. CHOUPINA F. SANTOS | B. CHOUPINAMAG30-39MCardio Connect00:53:49DetailsDegree
Bib - 174Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Cardio ConnectDetailsDegree
Bib - 341Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - SO MASS TEAMDetailsDegree
32309R. LEAL | O. SANTOS R. LEAL | O. SANTOSMAG30-39MOs Improváveis00:54:40DetailsDegree
Bib - 309Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Os ImprováveisDetailsDegree
33263S. SILVA | J. MATOS S. SILVA | J. MATOSMAG40-49MJS TEAM00:54:45DetailsDegree
Bib - 263Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - JS TEAMDetailsDegree
34270I. DUARTE | L. BASTOS I. DUARTE | L. BASTOSMAG16-29MLift and Go00:55:22DetailsDegree
Bib - 270Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Lift and GoDetailsDegree
35133A. ALMEIDA | J. TAVARES A. ALMEIDA | J. TAVARESMAG16-29MArrítmicos Anónimos00:55:26DetailsDegree
Bib - 133Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Arrítmicos AnónimosDetailsDegree
36214S. CARDOSO | L. GOMES S. CARDOSO | L. GOMESMAG40-49MELITE JP Gym00:55:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 214Gender - MCategory - AG40-49MTeam - ELITE JP GymDetailsDegree
37209R. SILVA | S. CARDOSO R. SILVA | S. CARDOSOMAG30-39MDuriu's Team00:55:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 209Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Duriu's TeamDetailsDegree
38111R. COUTO | S. SANTOS R. COUTO | S. SANTOSMAG16-29M3.19 HyCouple00:55:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 111Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - 3.19 HyCoupleDetailsDegree
39101T. MATEUS | E. PIMENTA T. MATEUS | E. PIMENTAMAG30-39M#1300:56:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 101Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - #13DetailsDegree
40403J. SILVA | C. RIBEIRO J. SILVA | C. RIBEIROMAG30-39MX-MACHINES00:56:03DetailsDegree
Bib - 403Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - X-MACHINESDetailsDegree
41258Y. CARVALHO | T. CARVALHO Y. CARVALHO | T. CARVALHOMAG30-39MIzi Brothers00:56:07DetailsDegree
Bib - 258Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Izi BrothersDetailsDegree
42200J. SILVA | H. DIAS J. SILVA | H. DIASMAG16-29MDias sem respirar00:56:26DetailsDegree
Bib - 200Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Dias sem respirarDetailsDegree
43118T. ALMEIDA | A. BANDEIRA T. ALMEIDA | A. BANDEIRAMAG30-39MAdventure Runners00:56:56DetailsDegree
Bib - 118Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Adventure RunnersDetailsDegree
44356D. DIAS | P. ABREU D. DIAS | P. ABREUMAG30-39MTeam HB00:58:55DetailsDegree
Bib - 356Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Team HBDetailsDegree
45233C. RIBEIRO | D. FIGUEIREDO C. RIBEIRO | D. FIGUEIREDOMAG16-29MGolden Double00:59:10DetailsDegree
Bib - 233Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Golden DoubleDetailsDegree
46373C. GASPAR | J. SILVA C. GASPAR | J. SILVAMAG16-29MTribu22 - 100:59:12DetailsDegree
Bib - 373Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Tribu22 - 1DetailsDegree
47372S. GOMES | C. RAMOS S. GOMES | C. RAMOSMAG30-39MTribu2200:59:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 372Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Tribu22DetailsDegree
48274R. CORREIA | M. GOMES R. CORREIA | M. GOMESMAG16-29MLobos do vybe 101:00:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 274Gender - MCategory - AG16-29MTeam - Lobos do vybe 1DetailsDegree
49326H. TEIXEIRA | L. PIRES H. TEIXEIRA | L. PIRESMAG30-39MQuatro e meia01:00:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 326Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Quatro e meiaDetailsDegree
50273J. BADALO | E. SIMÕES J. BADALO | E. SIMÕESMAG30-39MLobos do Vybe01:00:04DetailsDegree
Bib - 273Gender - MCategory - AG30-39MTeam - Lobos do VybeDetailsDegree