
Duplas Feminino

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1335D. SIMÕES | T. CRUZ D. SIMÕES | T. CRUZFAG30-39FRox & Roll00:45:12DetailsDegree
Bib - 335Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Rox & RollDetailsDegree
2228L. LOPES | D. COUTO L. LOPES | D. COUTOFAG16-29FGirls with balls00:45:33DetailsDegree
Bib - 228Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - Girls with ballsDetailsDegree
3156S. FRANCO | F. COSTA S. FRANCO | F. COSTAFAG40-49FBoarland00:49:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 156Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - BoarlandDetailsDegree
4105R. GONÇALVES | C. REIS R. GONÇALVES | C. REISFAG30-39F100 Dores00:50:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 105Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - 100 DoresDetailsDegree
5266I. SALGUEIRO | K. GOEDE I. SALGUEIRO | K. GOEDEFAG16-29FKa-Sal de amigas00:51:08DetailsDegree
Bib - 266Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - Ka-Sal de amigasDetailsDegree
6295S. COSTA | A. CARVALHO S. COSTA | A. CARVALHOFAG30-39FNáufragas00:51:57DetailsDegree
Bib - 295Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - NáufragasDetailsDegree
7250P. LOUREIRO | S. BARBOSA P. LOUREIRO | S. BARBOSAFAG30-39FInbox Girls PS00:53:28DetailsDegree
Bib - 250Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Inbox Girls PSDetailsDegree
8281M. FREITAS | I. LIMA M. FREITAS | I. LIMAFAG16-29FM(ata)&I(sfola)00:53:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 281Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - M(ata)&I(sfola)DetailsDegree
9219A. LEÃO | A. FERREIRA A. LEÃO | A. FERREIRAFAG40-49FFALTA MUITO?00:54:19DetailsDegree
Bib - 219Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - FALTA MUITO?DetailsDegree
10140C. OLIVEIRA | D. MILLER C. OLIVEIRA | D. MILLERFAG16-29FATIVA-TE00:55:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 140Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - ATIVA-TEDetailsDegree
11154L. FERREIRA | M. ROSA L. FERREIRA | M. ROSAFAG30-39FBlack Mambas00:55:42DetailsDegree
Bib - 154Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Black MambasDetailsDegree
12284M. OLIVEIRA | M. MARTINS M. OLIVEIRA | M. MARTINSFAG30-39FMafalda/Mariana00:55:49DetailsDegree
Bib - 284Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Mafalda/MarianaDetailsDegree
13257S. CARDOSO | J. RIBEIRO S. CARDOSO | J. RIBEIROFAG30-39FIZI Boutique Gym00:56:15DetailsDegree
Bib - 257Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - IZI Boutique GymDetailsDegree
14184C. OLIVEIRA | V. CASCAIS C. OLIVEIRA | V. CASCAISFAG30-39FCidade Berço00:56:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 184Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Cidade BerçoDetailsDegree
15106J. NÁPOLES | S. VIEIRA J. NÁPOLES | S. VIEIRAFAG30-39F100 Noção00:56:24DetailsDegree
Bib - 106Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - 100 NoçãoDetailsDegree
16285M. MONTE | M. ALVES M. MONTE | M. ALVESFAG40-49FMariana Alves00:56:27DetailsDegree
Bib - 285Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - Mariana AlvesDetailsDegree
17368R. MORENO | P. LOURENÇO R. MORENO | P. LOURENÇOFAG30-39FThunders Girls00:56:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 368Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Thunders GirlsDetailsDegree
18239L. FEDKE | Z. PRINSLOO L. FEDKE | Z. PRINSLOOFAG30-39FHD AM00:56:52DetailsDegree
Bib - 239Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - HD AMDetailsDegree
19144A. SOUSA | A. SIMOES A. SOUSA | A. SIMOESFAG40-49FBac'anas00:57:32DetailsDegree
Bib - 144Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - Bac'anasDetailsDegree
20343A. LOUREIRO | A. CORTEZ A. LOUREIRO | A. CORTEZFAG30-39FSó não fazes porque não queres00:57:38DetailsDegree
Bib - 343Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Só não fazes porque não queresDetailsDegree
21204A. COSTA | C. OLIVEIRA A. COSTA | C. OLIVEIRAFAG16-29FDouble Impact00:57:45DetailsDegree
Bib - 204Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - Double ImpactDetailsDegree
22163N. ROLIM | A. LAVORATO N. ROLIM | A. LAVORATOFAG30-39FBrava Bytes00:58:36DetailsDegree
Bib - 163Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Brava BytesDetailsDegree
23275V. GABIAN | X. CORBACHO V. GABIAN | X. CORBACHOFAG30-39FLoiras Team00:58:41DetailsDegree
Bib - 275Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Loiras TeamDetailsDegree
24205S. COELHO | J. CARVALHO S. COELHO | J. CARVALHOFAG30-39FDouble Impact 100:58:44DetailsDegree
Bib - 205Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Double Impact 1DetailsDegree
25227S. FERREIRA | A. TORRES S. FERREIRA | A. TORRESFAG40-49FGDCTIN Casa da Moeda00:59:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 227Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - GDCTIN Casa da MoedaDetailsDegree
26249S. DIAS | S. QUEIRÓS S. DIAS | S. QUEIRÓSFAG30-39FHyroxanas00:59:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 249Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - HyroxanasDetailsDegree
27336C. ROCHA | M. RODRIGUES C. ROCHA | M. RODRIGUESFAG30-39FR's Squad 7AM00:59:09DetailsDegree
Bib - 336Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - R's Squad 7AMDetailsDegree
28251B. MAGINA | N. CUNHA B. MAGINA | N. CUNHAFAG30-39FInbox Teenagers00:59:35DetailsDegree
Bib - 251Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Inbox TeenagersDetailsDegree
29125I. SOUSA | I. DIAS I. SOUSA | I. DIASFAG16-29FAnanás com Bigode00:59:35DetailsDegree
Bib - 125Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - Ananás com BigodeDetailsDegree
30225G. COLAÇO | S. BAPTISTA G. COLAÇO | S. BAPTISTAFAG40-49FForever Together00:59:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 225Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - Forever TogetherDetailsDegree
31400R. RAPOSO | M. RAMOS R. RAPOSO | M. RAMOSFAG30-39FWoow TEAM White01:00:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 400Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Woow TEAM WhiteDetailsDegree
Bib - 160Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - BOX762FAFEDetailsDegree
33337R. TOMÁSIO | R. MATIAS R. TOMÁSIO | R. MATIASFAG30-39FRUXANNE01:00:44DetailsDegree
Bib - 337Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - RUXANNEDetailsDegree
34137A. FERNANDES | M. MARQUES A. FERNANDES | M. MARQUESFAG40-49FAs rasteirinhas01:00:52DetailsDegree
Bib - 137Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - As rasteirinhasDetailsDegree
35173B. MIRANDA | É. TAVARES B. MIRANDA | É. TAVARESFAG16-29FCaracóis Velozes01:01:12DetailsDegree
Bib - 173Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - Caracóis VelozesDetailsDegree
36172J. COSTA | A. COSTA J. COSTA | A. COSTAFAG16-29FCAPLX01:01:13DetailsDegree
Bib - 172Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - CAPLXDetailsDegree
37182A. COELHO | M. BARROS A. COELHO | M. BARROSFAG30-39FChama o inem01:01:17DetailsDegree
Bib - 182Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Chama o inemDetailsDegree
Bib - 303Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - OLDGIRLSDetailsDegree
39240B. SILVA | G. AZEVEDO B. SILVA | G. AZEVEDOFAG16-29FHD CHICAS01:01:50DetailsDegree
Bib - 240Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - HD CHICASDetailsDegree
40268L. AZEVEDO | L. LEITE L. AZEVEDO | L. LEITEFAG30-39FLaurasticas01:02:23DetailsDegree
Bib - 268Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - LaurasticasDetailsDegree
41192M. MOURA | S. COSTA M. MOURA | S. COSTAFAG30-39FCosta Females01:03:00DetailsDegree
Bib - 192Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Costa FemalesDetailsDegree
42135P. PEREIRA | I. FREITAS P. PEREIRA | I. FREITASFAG16-29FAs imiscíveis01:03:14DetailsDegree
Bib - 135Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - As imiscíveisDetailsDegree
43344B. SILVA | F. SOUSA B. SILVA | F. SOUSAFAG30-39FSomething Old, Something New01:03:21DetailsDegree
Bib - 344Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - Something Old, Something NewDetailsDegree
44235R. ALVES | A. SEQUEIRA R. ALVES | A. SEQUEIRAFAG40-49FGoodVibes01:03:30DetailsDegree
Bib - 235Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - GoodVibesDetailsDegree
45244I. PEREIRA | A. OLIVEIRA I. PEREIRA | A. OLIVEIRAFAG16-29FHD Twins01:03:48DetailsDegree
Bib - 244Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - HD TwinsDetailsDegree
46260A. MATIAS | S. SERAFIM A. MATIAS | S. SERAFIMFAG40-49FJavali Pain01:03:52DetailsDegree
Bib - 260Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - Javali PainDetailsDegree
47301C. SILVA | A. MENDES C. SILVA | A. MENDESFAG16-29FNo pain, No champagne01:04:31DetailsDegree
Bib - 301Gender - FCategory - AG16-29FTeam - No pain, No champagneDetailsDegree
Bib - 384Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - UNBREAKABLE MILDetailsDegree
49243L. MARQUES | S. SOUSA L. MARQUES | S. SOUSAFAG40-49FHD No Limite01:04:39DetailsDegree
Bib - 243Gender - FCategory - AG40-49FTeam - HD No LimiteDetailsDegree
50129J. GOMES | C. RODRIGUES J. GOMES | C. RODRIGUESFAG30-39FARENA 2.001:05:01DetailsDegree
Bib - 129Gender - FCategory - AG30-39FTeam - ARENA 2.0DetailsDegree